Stop Hunger Now

As you all are aware, our Club is taking the lead on a great joint Citrus Rotary/Interact and community International Service Project.  On Saturday, February 27, 2010, beginning at 9:30am, we will have the opportunity to come together at Crystal River High School to package over 40,000 meals to feed the worlds most impoverished people.  The Stop Hunger Now program provides packaged meals to the most impoverished nations, including Haiti. 
We will need approximately 150 volunteers to pull off this project.  We currently have about 35 (members, spouses, etc..) from within our Club who signed up at our last meeting.  This project is as important as the Christmas Shopping project, and from what our leadership describes (they did it at the District Conference), you will feel great about being a part of this project.  Email me if you will volunteer, and if you have family, friends, employees, etc… also willing to help, send me their names as well.  We are getting volunteers from all the Citrus County Clubs, including both Citrus H.S. and Crystal River H.S. Interact clubs.  Other clubs in our district are also participating with donations and volunteers.  This will be a great event and you will not want to miss it.
We of course could always use more donations.  We have currently budgeted to package 40,000 meals.  For every $25 we can add, we can feed another 100 people.  Funds can be pledged to our own foundation and are tax deductible.  The committee met and has decided to solicit “1000 Meal Sponsors”-  For $250 donation, you or your company can be recognized as a “1000 Meal Sponsor”.  Any donation will be accepted, so if you are able to donate, let me know.
By the way, the event should end at 12:30 on that Saturday.  This is Rotary in action.  Be a part of it.

Yours in Rotary Service,

Keith Taylor

OPhone: 352-795-0404

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