Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs New York Jets

Click to download Order Form:  2009 Bucs Football Fundraising Flyer

District Governor Cliff Snedeker would like to announce a new relationship with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Attached to this email is a discounted ticket form which represents an approximately $15.00 per ticket discount, and in addition, the Bucs will send $10.00 per ticket to Rotary’s Camp Florida. This is a double benefit. We have teamed up with District 6890 and 6980 to make this a real Rotary event. The game is Sunday, December 13th at 1pm between Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the New York Jets.  An separate email will be sent with information as to how you can participate in the Bucs tailgate party for three hours before the game at an additional cost. You can get a group from your club to go to both and group your tickets together. You can get a group of clubs together. This is for only one game and can be a fun weekend.

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